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This week, OpenDiaries asks garment workers in Bangladesh if they enjoy participating in weekly surveys

This week, garment workers share with #OpenDiaries what the Garment Worker Diaries survey means to them. 99% of respondents reported that they liked participating in the survey, citing that they learned how to better keep track of their finances and that they felt heard and acknowledged because of it, among other reasons. When asked how important they felt that sharing stories of their experiences and working conditions was, 94% of respondents said at least slightly important.

You can find the full slideshow here and you can discover more #OpenDiaries posts here.

If you have a question for the garment workers, there are three ways to ask it: 1) direct message us 2) write in the post comments, or 3) send an email to

Note: the quotes in the posts are not from the workers in the photos, but from different workers.

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